Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No News is Bad News

I haven't written anything because there isn't much to write about.

I haven't been running because, for some reason I've not yet discovered, both of my knees ache behind the patella and the right one feels torqued when I sit cross-legged.

My mom says its my shoes and its just not in my budget right now to buy a new pair of running-specific shoes.

I've been doing a lot of walking instead but it still makes my knees, and now hips, ache a bit. (Ya use your hips more in walking than running.) I'm still getting my sweat on, walking 6 miles in about an hour - 10, not bad.

P90X is thwarting me. I was 'waiting' (read: procrastinating) due to not having a pullup solution but that has been rectified. The next step is the diet.

I took the "before" photos and I'm so hesitant to post them online. I'm not huge but I'm not model perfect either. I should just get over it.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today I decided that I would do The Hills by the house. My aunt and uncle live right next to the Metroparks system and in order to get to their house, you have to drive through it. The directions usually include, "turn left, go down the hill, then up the hill, turn right, then left and you're here." I did the hills today, both of them. I went down the hill, across for a half mile, then up the hill, then back down, across and back up.

I know I'm being sort of cryptic and that's okay. Suffice it to say that these hills are about 1/4 mile long, each, and are both, on average, about a 10-12 degree incline. There is one section of hill that has a short steep part, right near the crest.

Pushing the stroller up the hills is quite a glute/hammy workout. There was no running, just pushing uphill...push, push, push. Thankfully, the day is bright and sunny and lots of blue sky. We did stop to watch the fly fishers in the river catch some pretty big fish!

Very Sisyphean of me, without the rolling back down...that would have been dangerous for Littles.

Maybe later, I'll do it again.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Yesterday was my race, the Jog into Spring event in Independence, Ohio. The morning was pretty cold, about 35 degrees, but it was a bright day with plenty of sun. My friend Craig did come and do the event with me. We ran together the whole way, saying "Thanks" to the winning runners as they said "good job" passing us at the 1 mile / 2.5 mile mark. (The course doubles back on itself)

I finished it in 33:05, running the whole way, 3.1 miles, no stopping, no walking.

I couldn't be prouder of myself.

BUT! My back. O.M.G. My back HURTS. Not my legs, shins, calves, feet or hips. MY BACK. Ouch.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

P90X Introduction

Yesterday, since it was raining quite hard and Littles would have had to join me on a run, I decided to exercise inside instead. I put in the Plyometrics DVD from the P90X series just to get an idea of what I was in for, work up a sweat and feel good about staying inside.

I did about 7 minutes of it, maybe half of that holding Littles because he was crying, before I had to stop to tend to my child. After 7 minutes of Plyometrics, my legs were sore THAT DAY.

This morning, my upper hamstrings are quite upset. I'm looking forward to this new challenge after I run my race on Saturday. I think I'll finally have the guts to put up the "before" pictures for total accountability just so that I can gloat about the 'after' pictures in 3 months.

Sun's out today. Gonna run outside!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dairy Free Protein Smoothie

I've been meaning to post this for awhile. I am off dairy indefinitely due to my little guy not being able to process the milk proteins and honestly, I don't really miss it, except when I am eating a cookie. (I still sneak a bit of cheese now and then...)

Most smoothie recipes call for milk or ice cream or yogurt of some sort to make the smoothie smooth. Since I can't have milk products, I was looking around for some dairy free recipes and really came up kind of short. So, I made my own.

Here is my super simple, really healthy, dairy-free, super delicious smoothie recipe:

(1) banana, sliced, (small to medium for 12oz, large banana for large serving)
1/2 c rice milk
3 tbs vegetable protein powder (soy)
6 frozen strawberries
1 tbl honey
2 tsp vanilla extract

Pour the rice milk into the blender, add the sliced banana and protein powder. Mix on high for about 30 seconds. Make sure all the protein powder is mixed in and not stuck to the side of the blender. Add strawberries through hole in lid one at a time, careful to watch for splashing! After strawberries are completely mixed in, add honey and vanilla. Whip for 30 seconds and serve!

Makes about one 12 oz smoothie. Feel free to double everything for a larger smoothie. The honey and vanilla really take this smoothie over the top on flavor. Enjoy with a reusable glass straw: http://www.glassdharma.com/straws.html

Thursday, March 18, 2010

On Course

Today I drove to the race course.

I downloaded the course from the website and headed over there today to get the lay of the land.

There are a few tiny hills and a spot where the wind just whips across.

Today was bright sunshiney, windy and nice, around 62 deg.

I think I ran 2/3 of it, walked the other 1/3. I can honestly say that the 1/3 I walked was into the wind, uphill with the stroller. Ugh. Serious resistance.

Since I don't know where the mile makers were, I just concentrated on finishing it running, which I did. I think about mile 2.5 I hit a bit of a wall and this coincided with the last uphill spot where the wind comes across. The last 2/10 or so is mildly downhill and I let the stroller roll on its own while I held its leash. Xavier slept the whole time. (I won't be pushing him for the race...thankfully!)

So, all in all, a good day. I felt happy with my progress and if I can keep on keeping on, the weather stays mild and I don't get another sinus flare up, I could actually do this!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010



Its just downright difficult for me to focus on the mental mechanics of running while pushing a fussy baby in a stroller into the wind while its raining.

I'm worried that he's not covered up or that he's hungry. The stroller is designed for running but I still have to push it. Into the wind. While running.

I'm a novice runner and darnit, that's hard!

Twelve days and counting to my 5K. I'm not feeling confident at this point

Between the dismal days, rain, clouds, constant freakin' grey skies, inconsistent eating, being depressed about my life in general and constantly interrupted sleep....this is HARD!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lack of Motivation

I can't seem to get motivated to run again after that failed attempt. I'm not sleeping well due to the baby, I'm not eating well due to dietary restrictions for the baby. I'm having a hard time getting enough protein as I can't have eggs and I really like eggs. Eggs are my breakfast staple: two eggs each morning to give me a burst of protein to keep me going through the day.

I've been off eggs for five and a half months now. My pediatrician said to stop eating them as they can be an aggravator to the baby through the milk. Its killing me to not eat eggs. If anyone has any suggestions on protein consumption in the morning aside from protein shakes, let me know. I'm not much of a protein shakes eater but if I have to eat them to get through this goal, then that's what I'll do.

So, not having the energy or the drive to get out there and run is a bit of a problem. I can't train for the last mile unless I can get out there and do it. I'm a bit lonely here and that's contributing to my lack of motivation. I haven't seen the sun in awhile and that's a contributing factor as well. Its just work and baby and that's it. Work isn't satisfying and the baby is all encompassing...


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Failed Attempt

My attempt to train today was an abysmal failure.

I think it had something to do with the lack of protein in my diet as well as lack of consistent, restorative sleep.

I tried. I really did. I made it about 3/4 of a mile before everything screamed, "stop!" So I did.

It just wasn't there today.

The walk home was pretty, though, with all the snow on the trees.

Friday, February 26, 2010

It wasn't pretty

I did it.

I ran my two miles today.

The first half mile I was all stiff and uneven. The snow was coming down, the wind was blowing and I was pushing the stroller.

At one point, I was running right into the wind, the stroller was catching it all. Littles was getting snow blown all over him. He was covered in it but not to worry, I had him all bundled up. The only part that was visible was his forehead.

Ran two, walked a third.

29 days and counting.

Been Awhile

Its been awhile since I posted last...my apologies.

There hasn't been much to write about. The biggest story going on is the weather in this part of the country. Earlier this week we had a bit of a warm up... if you consider 40 degrees a warm up. Much of the snow melted; many of the huge piles were reduced down significantly. We actually saw the concrete of the driveway for a day.

I did manage to get in a few more miles of running. On Sunday, the 21st, I ran a mile again but this time I was pushing my baby in my B*O*B stroller, which added an element of difficulty. I was buoyed, though, by my MP3 player for which I finally got headphones that work. Having little tiny ears, earbud headphones don't work really well. I need the ones that get shoved into the ear canal. I finally purchased some as I was very low on funds for a while and have determined that the tempo of some songs can help you go that little bit farther.

I rested on Monday and ran again on Tuesday, this time pushing past my normal mile marker and clocked in 1.2 miles but without the baby. Not a huge gain but a gain nonetheless. After that, its been snowing again. Considerably. Since last night around 11pm, we've managed to accumulate another 9 inches of snow. The wind has picked up as well, gusts over 30mph. Heavy snowfall, high winds...makes me want to get outside to run. It actually kinda does. That wasn't sarcasm.

I haven't run since Tuesday. I should push myself to hit the treadmill in the basement. I'm kinda not into running on the treadmill but if I'm serious about this race in March, then I better get my training in one way or another...baby or no baby, snow or no snow.

I have 29 days left to train for a 5K.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This head cold is keeping me from the road. All I want to do right now is breathe through my nose. That would be really great.

The weather isn't getting better. We're being told my local meteorologists that we may not see above freezing temps until well into March. Eek. I gotta get over this cold and get my training in.

Then, I think, after I get back on track and get this first 5K under my belt, I may look into starting P90X. First though, I need to address my food issues and what I'm eating. I eat way too much butter.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stymed Again!

Nothing is sore anymore. My legs and calves feel pretty good but now I have a head cold, sore throat and general malaise...

I would really like to go outside and run but I do not want to get more sick than I already am.

The weather forecast doesn't look good: temps below freezing until March-ish.

More and more snow everyday. We're up to 8.5 inches on the ground right now with big, fat, fluffy flakes falling right now...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Serious Soreness

That Monday run, the 15 minute one...well, I was experimenting with a method of running called the Pose (r) method. You can check it out here. Now, I was just thinking about the basics: forward leaning, land on the forefoot, let gravity help, stay off the heels...

I knew my calves would be sore but...ow. Sore. Sore. Sore. My quads, nothing. Its all in my calves.

Yesterday I had a bit of a time stretching upright to get out of bed. Today is a bit better.

I am behind on my training schedule and I really don't want to push to April for the race but in the 1-1/2 weeks I've been on a plan, I've only gotten two days out on the street. The weather has been either feet of snow, below freezing temps or both. I don't have the gear (I think) to run in this weather and I'm not sure I want to risk a cold to try.

Monday was beautiful so I convinced my aunt to stroll with my son while I did my run. It was only 14 degrees outside so we made sure that Littles was all bundled up.

He could barely see above the scarf but that B*O*B stroller I have is amazing, it will go through anything: the sand on the beach in Santa Monica or seven inches of snow in Cleveland.

We got 4.5 inches of snow yesterday and are expecting another 3 or so inches today. The street hasn't been plowed. I would like to run and I never thought I'd hear myself say that but now, since I can run, I want to run and I CAN'T! Curse you, Mother Nature! :-)

Monday, February 8, 2010

12 Degrees

Its 12 degrees today. Sunshine is the forecast with 10" more of snow coming tomorrow and Wednesday. Looks like I'm going to have to figure out how to run on that ancient treadmill that's in my A/U's basement. The thing scares me a little. The tread band is only about 18" wide and the screen doesn't work, only the speed dial works. It gets turned on by plugging in this little plastic key. There's also a Weider multi-function workout machine down there. Its mostly being used as a clothes rack.

I might have to push my 3.1 mile run to April if I can't get out and get some actual road time. I'm sure running on the treadmill is okay but it doesn't include the wind, the sun or the terrain and just being outside.

Another reason I don't care much for Ohio in the winter, too much cabin fever.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thwarted by Snow

My training plan said to run today for 15 minutes. I got the car stuck in the driveway so I doubt there will be any outdoor running today.

Northern Ohio received 6" or so and more is to come.

I will run another day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mini Goal Achieved

Today my running plan stated that I was to run for 10 minutes. So, I ran thinking that I wouldn't make it ten minutes and I did! I was so happy with myself. I'm not sure how far that is, I ran from my A/U's place to Cedar Point Road to Aerospace Pkwy to Ruple... Maybe Google Maps can tell me.... It says its one mile exactly. Alright! One Mile!!!!

Hey, baby steps...

Monday, February 1, 2010

OMG. Shoes.

Shoe companies would have you think that you need special athletic shoes to run. I thought that all you really needed were feet and legs that were operational. Being in Northern Ohio during the winter, it would be advised to put on some sort of shoe before going outside to do anything and I have a pair of shoes that would work. Thing is, the pair is separated by 178 miles.

I packed quickly to move to Northern Ohio to live with family since they were offering help with my son so that I could get back to work. (I work online, which is awesome...) In my haste to get back to work, I hurriedly packed up the room where I had been staying. Under my bed, I had kicked my two pairs of shoes; one for tromping around in the yard, one for running or working out. I grabbed a pair of shoes and packed them in my duffel bag. The other pair went into a box bound for my storage unit.

A week after I arrived here at my aunt and uncle's house (A/U), I unpacked my shoes to go for a walk in the frigid 20 degree weather only to discover that I had grabbed one shoe from each pair and they were both the lefts. Curses.

A week after the week I arrived here I had a week long trip planned for Los Angeles, so off I went with no comfy shoes...because I left the key to the storage unit in Cleveland as I headed to Columbus to get on my flight. Its a long story about why I was flying out of Columbus if I was living in Cleveland. My mother asked my aunt to send the key to her so that I could get my shoe upon my return from Los Angeles. Perfect!

I get back from LA and saddle up to go to the storage unit. I get there and the big metal gate is broken. Now, I can get out of my car and walk through the gate that was propped open enough to get a person through but not a car. The problem with this is that I have my child in the car and I do not feel comfortable parking it, leaving it running for him to have heat and walk to my storage unit which would be out of sight of the car. I couldn't take him with me, it was only 12 degrees outside and my unit isn't heated. I didn't know exactly where the shoe was in storage and it could have taken quite a while for me to find it. Also, calling the number for the management company of the facility resulted in a constant busy signal. (Who gets a busy signal these days?) As it turns out, I reached the manager after I made it back to Cleveland, someone slid down the driveway that was covered with ice and broke the gate. The new gate would be there in two days. I was already gone...with no shoe. Curses.

Another week goes by and I realize that my baby's pediatrician's appointment is coming up, which is in Columbus. (Most of my life is in Columbus, I'm just squatting in Cleveland until I'm on my feet again. Another long story.) So, I plan a trip to C-bus to see the doc and get my damned shoe. Meanwhile, its been frigid and dangerously cold in Cleveland so I'm not missing much in the way of being outside... Off I go to C-bus, I've got things to put in storage, things to get out of storage including the shoe only to realize that I left the stupid lock key in Cleveland again. All I could say to myself was, "Really, Holly? Really?" Apparently, yes. Curses, again.

My mom, tired of the shoe drama, gives me a $20 gift certificate from DSW Shoes that she earned for being such a good customer and tells me to go buy a new pair of shoes. Okay. Twist my arm. Once back in Cleveland, Brookpark actually, I go over to DSW and head straight for the clearance racks. I find, in short order, a pair of cross trainers that are decent, no-frills, just enough to get the job done on sale for 30% off the lowest ticketed price which is $29.95. So, a $50 pair of shoes marked down to $29.95, 30% off of that would take them to just about $20 and change, after the coupon and tax, I owed $1.03 for a new pair of cross trainers. PERFECT!

Monday, January 25, 2010


For a long time now, I've thought about running a marathon. It seems like finishing a marathon is a really big personal triumph. I've watched my mother complete seven of them between the ages of 35 and 55 and I figure if she can do it, I can do it.

The reason I haven't started running is because, up until recently, my heart/chest would hurt considerably whenever I tried to do any kind of cardiovascular exercise, not just running. My heart would race over and above the effort level I was putting in, well into the 200's and for someone my age and overall health, that was excessive.

The first thing I should have done was consult a doctor but I don't have health insurance so I've never had my heart checked out. I just can't afford it. I know, I know, "You can't afford not to!" But really, between seeing the general practitioner and paying for all those appointments and tests to be referred to a specialist to have the same tests done over again was way outside my affordability.

Recently, I started seeing my Applied Kinesiologist again after moving back to Ohio from California. He put me right back on Cataplex E2 by Standard Process for my heart. Seven pills a day for an indefinite period of time. Then, while out on a walk pushing the stroller, I decided to try jogging to the next driveway...then the next one and the next one. Before I knew it, I realized that the intersection ahead of me was the one that was exactly one mile from my house. I had just run a mile and I hadn't really tried! I was elated!!

The next day, I was seriously sore but I felt great. Then winter came with a vengeance as well as some troubles so I haven't tried to run a mile again.

I work really well with deadlines and accountability. I've offered up to a friend that we run a 5K (3.1 mi) race together in March. I'll have to start training for that to be able to show up and do it, like I promised.

I am hoping that this will lead me to the 26.2 I'd like to do someday.